Why this project?
The development of this project was alongside the STMC App.
I created a Chrome Extension which would display class schedules, bulletins, competitions, and push notifications to managed school Chromebooks. This program uses the same REST API as the iOS app, and can be managed by admins in the same admin dashboard I developed.
This was a way of making access to the same information collected by my API available to all students, even those who did not have an iPhone
How does it work?
Here are some of the main views of the STMC Chrome extension.
This explore tab shows upcoming schedules, bulletins, and the results of the house competition. More information about these features can be found here.
This view shows details about each school day, school events, and the times of each class.
Resources is a dynamic list of links that school admins can pin to this page. This provided quick access to many common websites used, and also raised awareness about lesser known resources the school paid for.